Home Industry Congress and Expo
Home Industry Congress and Expo 2014
Join ManufacturedHomes along with MHProNews, as L.A. Tony Kovach sits down with Paul Bradley, president of ROC USA, at the 2014 Las Vegas MHI (Manufactured Home Industry Congress and Expo) trade show. During this one-on-one interview, Tony and Paul discuss the underlying pressure – financial or otherwise – on smaller manufactured home communities – those with fewer than 100 MF homes. In this brief 11-minute video, Mr. Bradley explains how ROC USA works to help prevent unnecessary community closures, thereby avoiding further restrictions to the nation’s affordable housing options.
Bradley, a seasoned veteran of the manufactured housing industry, first founded ROC USA over 16 years ago with the primary mission of making affordable, quality manufactured home ownership a reality from coast-to-coast. ROC USA works with smaller communities who seek to purchase the community in which their manufactured home currently resides – when it’s put up for sale. Keeping the community intact and financially viable well into the future.
Home Industry Congress and Expo 2015
For those potential manufactured home buyers in the market and shopping for a single-family residential home, be sure and check out all of the housing options at the 2015 MHI (Manufactured Home Industry Commerce and Expo), April 14 – 16, held at the Paris hotel in Las Vegas Nevada. Those fortunate enough to attend this two-day event will enjoy direct access with some of the industries most successful professionals. Attendees will be able to select from a wide array of special events and educational programs; retailers, lenders, insurers, and manufacturers. Community owners from around the country will all be on hand and ready to exchange tips, hints information and insightful stories. Networking for your mutual benefit, the Manufactured Home Industry Congress and Expo offers both buyers and industry professionals the ability to learn about the latest technological advancements and the newest models available; like Magnolia’s model 204.

The Magnolia model 204
The Magnolia model 204 is a three bed, two bath, 1,820 sq. ft. quality built modular home. With several different upgrades available, the Magnolia 204 offers the modern homebuyer affordable options without sacrificing quality or comfort; here’s how they do it!