Making The Move To Kabco Manufactured Homes
There are varied and vast reasons to make the move to Kabco manufactured homes; quality, attention to detail, upgraded amenities, American-made craftsmanship… not to mention their numerous flexible floor plans. In essence, Kabco offers their buyers the complete package of superior service in a high-end manufactured home, and does so at an affordable price.
Built to exacting standards, the Kabco Company methodically scrutinizes all aspects of their modular homes during their construction process. With an American commitment to producing nothing short of excellence, plant managers at Kabco Homes maintain a vigilant watch over their entire construction process. Constantly inspecting the quality of their craftsmanship, ensuring a superior construction process throughout the manufacturing plant.
Despite the Green Nature of today’s quality built manufactured homes, numerous misconceptions still exist when it comes to understanding the product.
Hoping to shine a little light on the sometimes-shrouded topic of quality and value, today’s brief Q&A explains why Kabco Manufactured Homes represents one of the best options for today’s American homebuyers.

Kabco’s Quality Construction
Q: Construction and Kabco Builders?
A: Kabco’s manufactured homes are constructed from the same high quality lumber, insulation, wiring and plumbing that we find utilized in some of the best homes built in America’s heartland. Starting from a foundation of I-beam steel, Kabco’s builders construct their modular walls, floors and roof components with a myopic focus on quality: From the first 2” x 4” to the last wire, each model made by Kabco builders offers an attention to detail unparalleled within the industry.
Making The Move To Kabco Manufactured Homes
A: Yes, absolutely! Over the past several years a financial tsunami has forever changed the landscape for the American homebuyer. Peeking into the future, Kabco sees events that will no doubt help the manufactured home sector grab significant market share from the more conventional site-built homes. Variables like increased construction costs, energy sector job creation and a rapidly retiring baby boomer population will continue to put pressure on the affordability of many manufactured homes and the communities in which they reside.
Q: Can Kabco Save Construction Time?
A: Oh yeah, months in fact. Thanks to inclement whether, undependable subcontractors and unforeseen design variables, Kabco Builders can save their home buyers some serious time over the conventional site constructed home.
Q: Other advantages to owning a Kabco Home?
A: Thanks to the entire construction process being completed in a factory setting, minus the unpredictable havoc of nature, and utilizing the same skilled contractors on every home. Kabco builds their homes in an assembly line format – ensuring the highest quality possible.
Specializing in quality construction and energy efficient amenities, Kabco Builders offers the fiscally responsible homebuyer several options for obtaining the American dream, without being taken to the poor house.