Without Title & Registration, California Manufactured Home Owners Face Hidden Risks
Over half a million California families find their path to affordable home ownership via the purchase of manufactured homes. However, estimates show that one-third of these homes do not have a proper title or registration. This puts the owners of these homes—about 160,000 of them—at serious risk.
California Encourages Registration Through New Fee & Tax Waiver Program
In a push to encourage all owners of manufactured homes in California to secure proper title, the state is now offering a limited-time program that exempts these homeowners from many back fees and taxes.
Up to 7,600 manufactured homeowners in Fresno, Tulare, Kings, Madera and Mariposa counties bought their property under the assumption they possessed all the necessary documents. Yet, they later discovered that the prior owner left them with outstanding fees and taxes.
California’s new program offers these homeowners a way to solve this problem.
There are many important reasons to make sure manufactured homes are properly titled and registered:
- Owners of manufactured homes must have proper title and registration to purchase flood and fire insurance. The devastating fires in Northern California recently destroyed more than 200 manufactured homes. Many of these homes did not have proper title and registration—and as a result, were not insured against this loss.
- Proper registration enables owners of manufactured homes to sell or legally transfer title to a loved one such as a spouse, a child, or another heir.
- Many common home improvement projects require the homeowner to obtain a building permit. Local officials can only grant these permits to homeowners with proper title and registration.
An increasing number of utility companies offer financial assistance to certain owners of manufactured homes. However, utilities limit participation in these programs to homeowners that possess current title and registration.
- Register Your Mobilehome California, the state fee and tax waiver program, exempts owners of manufactured homes without title and registration from certain state and local fees and taxes when they register the home in their name. This could result in thousands of dollars in savings for these homeowners.
State Seeks To Inform Homeowners, Greater MH Community of New Incentive

Ben Metcalf
On November 28th, the Fresno Bee published an op-ed penned by Ben Metcalf, Director of the California Department of Housing and Community Development (CDHCD). Metcalf said that in the comings weeks and months, the department will work with manufactured home park owners, community groups, and other parties to spread the word that assistance securing registration and title is now available via this new program.
In an effort to notify and inform homeowners about the program, CDHCD has created an easy-to-use website. At RegisterYourMobilehomeCA.org, owners of manufactured homes can learn if they qualify for the fee and tax waiver program, and how they can utilize it to save money and secure title on their home.
In addition, homeowners can call (800) 952-8356 to receive assistance. The CDHCD has English- and Spanish-speaking representatives at the ready, and offers interpreter services for other languages if required.
CDHCD strongly encourages all California owners of manufactured homes without registration to register their homes as soon as possible. Securing title and registration is an essential way for homeowners to protect their important investment and ensure that their home is safe and secure, now and in the future.
Ben Metcalf is the Director of the California Department of Housing and Community Development. For further information about Register Your Mobilehome California: A Fee and Tax Waiver Program, please visit RegisterYourMobilehomeCA.org.