According to latest official statistics from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), compiled and reported by the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR), manufactured home producers began 2016 with significant growth in January followed by a dramatic increase in February.
Just-released statistics indicate that HUD Code* manufacturers produced 6129 homes in February 2016, representing a 27.6% increase over the 4803 homes produced during February 2015. This was on the heels of the reported January 2016 increase of 17.9% over the home production in January 2015.
(*The cited statistics do not include modular homes, also produced by manufactured home builders, which have become an important segment of affordable home production within the last few years.)

Manufactured Home News and Views: Strong Production Growth Continues Into New Year
Following the great recession in 2008-2010 the manufactured home industry began an acknowledged rebound in 2011 that has since showed significant growth in production and shipments each successive month and year since August 2011. That winning streak has continued through 2015 and into the first two months of 2016.
The top 10 shipment states from the industry production rebound in August 2011 through February 2016 — with cumulative, current month (February 2016) and same month prior year (January 2015) are as follows:
State | Cumulative | Feb 2016 | 2016 Jan-Feb | 2015 Jan-Feb |
1.Texas | 56,142 Homes | 1,097 | 2 ,197 | 2,260 |
2.Louisiana | 19,682 Homes | 336 | 631 | 669 |
3.Florida | 16,306 Homes | 455 | 901 | 750 |
4.N.C. | 11,805 Homes | 280 | 563 | 411 |
5.Alabama | 11,577 Homes | 336 | 524 | 355 |
6.Mississippi | 10,748 Homes | 220 | 431 | 339 |
7.California | 10,318 Homes | 235 | 497 | 420 |
8.Kentucky | 10,252 Home | 269 | 524 | 280 |
9.Tennessee | 8,510 Homes | 211 | 407 | 245 |
10.Oklahoma | 7,921 Homes | 135 | 282 | 274 |
The latest February 2016 results show no changes in the cumulative top 10 manufactured home production states, with Texas having a continuing stronghold in the number one position.
The shipment of homes produced by manufacturers closely align with sales by retailers across the country. Latest statistics attest to manufactured home sales being surprisingly robust for this time of the year. The “Home Selling Season” normally commences in the spring months for many areas of the country.
While the continuing monthly production improvement and sales of manufactured homes is encouraging, the growth pales compared with the potential role that today’s modern affordable, quality and safe manufactured home could be playing in solving the nation’s affordable housing crisis.
As the manufactured home industry has shown sustained growth, the nationwide demand for truly affordable homeownership continues to be curtailed by our government officials and agencies who continually support seemingly unnecessary costly regulations that hinder many Americans from participating in the uniquely American dream of homeownership.
The manufactured home industry is poised to do much more for American consumers desiring affordable housing, if and when bureaucrats decide to remove senseless barriers that are eliminating millions from affordable housing.