MH NEWS – MHI Vice Chairman to Congress: ‘E’ Should Not Be at the Expense of ‘S’

Bill Boor, MHI Vice Chairman and President and Chief Executive Officer, Cavco Industries, Inc testified in a housing and insurance Subcommittee Hearing entitled. “How Mandates Like ESG Distort Markets and Drive Up Costs for Insurance and Housing. – Note: ESG ( environmental, social, and corporate government policies).

During the hearing , Boor called on Congress to pass H.R. 3327, the Manufactured Housing Affordability and Energy Efficiency Act of 2023,” and highlighted the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Energy Conservation Standards for Manufactured Housing as an example of a federal agency implementing an environmental policy without fully understanding the broader consequences, Boor said. “The DOE’s failed attempt at ‘E’ came at the expense of ‘S’ as it is socially unjust to put out of reach the ability to purchase a manufactured home.”

Boor emphasized that he’s proud of the manufactured housing industry’s record. “By virtue of our controlled and efficient processes, we are inherently more environmentally friendly than other forms of housing,” Boor said. “We have a long history of consistent and ongoing quality and energy efficiency improvements. And we have a strong and positive working relationship with our regulator, HUD. This is an industry that agrees with the objective of continuing to improve energy efficiency, not one that needs to be dragged to do the right thing.”

Boor concluded his remarks noting, “Providing affordable homes in an incredibly important social need that manufactured housing is uniquely positioned to serve. Factory-built housing is the least expensive form of unsubsidized home ownership. Enable us to do good work in responsible ways. We can dramatically increase affordable housing while modeling corporate responsibility if singularly focused ESG regulations are worked through established holistic processes.”

Source: MHI Manufactured Housing Institute – 

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