How to Be Prepared With Hurricane Joaquin On The Way
As Hurricane Joaquin bears down on the eastern seaboard, it’s critical to have an emergency exit plan in place, be well stocked with supplies, and that everyone knows where to meet when the winds subside. Kabco’s manufactured homes are constructed to withstand the winds of change; that said, any stick-built structure could easily be ravaged by a powerful hurricane. However, if the right preparation has been put in place, homeowners can easily survive Mother Nature’s fury.
Below are a few helpful hints on how to prepare for Hurricane Joaquin.
Create an exit plan
Study Google Maps after determining your location and look for at least two safe evacuation routes. During major weather events, people tend to evacuate their area at the same time, leading to problematic and potentially life-threatening traffic jams. Try to identify traffic routes that utilize smaller less traveled roads. No doubt, the route may take a bit longer to get to your destination, but you’ll also bypass the inevitable back-up and save precious time.
Be well stocked with supplies
Provided you are unable to evacuate, there are few critical supplies you’ll need to remain warm and informed. Advanced knowledge of your municipality’s official storm shelters is a good place to start. Make sure to check all your emergency supplies such as generators, battery-powered radios, and lots of flashlights. Stocking up on shelf-stable food (canned or dried) and water is always a good idea, regardless of impending disaster. And in the event of a prolonged power outage, it’s always a good idea to have a small amount of cash on hand; when it goes dark, local grocery stores will most likely not be able to accept credit cards.
What’s in your shelter?
When the ruthless storms hit, it’s critical to gather the basic provisions and a few personal items and head to the shelter nearest you. The below list of basic items are things you should bring with you. With an emergency bag packed, all you need to do is grab it and go.
Necessary supplies: First-aid kit, batteries, prescription meds, battery-powered radio, cellular charger & phone, flashlights, blankets, personal ID (a.k.a. drivers license), cash, credit cards, and important documents such as insurance policies. Make sure to sit down with your family and create a detailed evacuation plan prior to any storm. Discuss your emergency plan so everyone knows what to if Hurricane Joaquin comes a knockn’ on your front door.
(Photo Courtesy of ABC News)
Below is just one fine example of a quality built Kaboc home.