Top 10 Facts About Manufactured Homes
Six years after the great recession inflicted some serious pain on the single-family residential housing market, manufactured homes are beginning to make a strong comeback. As many homebuyers contemplate purchasing their first residence, many are debating whether they should buy an existing home with all of its undisclosed issues – or purchase a brand-new, state-of-the-art manufactured home (MFH). Put off by expense, time constraints and inclement weather – many are opting to avoid the headache of building a traditional stick built home and are instead choosing the less expensive, greener choice of manufactured housing.
A manufactured home is one that has been constructed in a factory like setting, avoiding costly delays and mold inducing moisture. Built from the same high quality materials as today’s site constructed homes, the finished structures are then covered and transported to the new owners building site for easy assemblage. Today’s modern manufactured homes are nothing like the mobile homes of the 1970s; built off-site by skilled laborers, today’s manufactured homes are appointed with some of the finest amenities offered.

Today’s modern manufactured homes
Accomplished manufacturers like Kabco Builders, Sunshine Homes, and Magnolia Homes have been building manufactured homes for many years. As such, they have learned how to keep their costs under control, while passing their savings on to the end consumers. Thanks to their skilled craftsmen building in a controlled environment, today’s manufactured homes maintain the highest quality standards found at affordable prices.
With modern manufactured homes, long gone are the bad old days of haggling with contractors over price per sq. ft. construction costs and keeping a watchful eye over subcontractors quality of craftsmanship. Instead, today’s MFH buyer has their home delivered directly to their building site, already plumbed, wired and ready to get hooked up to its foundation.
Top 10 Facts About Manufactured Homes:
1. First and foremost … manufactured homes are NOT “mobile homes.”
2. Manufactured Homes are easily customized and upgraded.
3. Manufactured Homes provide the largest number of unsubsidized affordable housing in the United States.
4. Manufactured Homes are technologically advanced and considered green housing
5. Manufactured Homes are perfect for commercial applications: temporary schoolrooms, office space, planned unit development sales office.
6. Manufactured Homes are faster and less expensive to build.
7. The majority of today’s Manufactured Homes are situated on individual lots – not relegated to ‘trailer parks.’
8. Manufactured Homes appreciate just like site-constructed homes.
9. Manufactured Homes have been shown to be able to withstand 175 mph winds.
10. Manufactured Homes are considered permanent structures – thus are “real property.”