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Investor Report: Expect Excessive Growth in Manufactured Homes Over the Next Five Years

A recent opinion report authored by Chimene Van Gundy, founder of MOBILE HOME MILLIONS  confirms, from an investor’s point of view, the importance and value of manufactured homes as an affordable quality path to homeownership. The following are excerpts from that article released online by Think Realty, titled “Mobile Homes Make Millionaires.”

“A trend we have discussed numerous times is gaining not on momentum, but attention. If you have followed Mobile Home Millions at all, you certainly can understand how this surge in acceptance and appreciation (both financially and publicly) is noteworthy. These prefabricated houses simply are not what they once were and offer far more than other options to would-be homeowners who want to break the rent cycle. It is great to see how this method of real estate investing is finally getting the appreciation it deserves.”

“There are a few primary factors propelling the insistence with which these homes are increasing in popularity. One is the awareness being brought to the growing homeless population and the utter lack of affordable housing. The other is the material upgrades offered in manufactured homes, their locations, and the type of people making them their homes.”

For more information debunking manufactured home myths, click our ManufacturedHomes.com  prior report: “Manufactured Homes: Mischaracterizations And Misrepresentations Of America’s Only Quality Affordable Homeownership


Chimene Van Gunday, best selling author and self-described mobile home millionaire, also has a video interview posting on her Mobile Home Millions’ website where-in she dispels the myths regarding manufactured home/mobile home depreciation. The following are brief highlights from that interview.

“Today’s video we’re going to talk about do mobile homes depreciate and why. This is actually a false belief. People think they are like cars, they depreciate, which is not true. It’s all about the functionality of the home and all about affordability. And since this is the last affordable housing in America, this is one of the reasons why mobile homes no longer depreciate. Right now we have 10,000 baby boomers a day turning 65 and older. And what’s interesting about this statistic is the fact that one in three right now are buying a mobile home or manufactured home in an amazing retirement community in places like California, Florida or Texas.” 


“A lot of time people will pay if they’re in metropolitan areas or even outside of metropolitan areas, but there’s still good access to services. People will actually pay a higher value than what is listed with the state or county because even at a higher value, manufactured homes and mobile homes are still the last affordable housing in America that we have. I hope this helps you break down any false beliefs that you have about mobile homes and manufactured homes depreciating because as I just told you, they do not.”
Want confirmation and proof that manufactured homes do appreciate or depreciate equally to traditional site-built homes?, click our prior posting  “New Report: Manufactured Homeownership Is A Strong Investment

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